Fragment #001: Rin Tin Tin Fired from Warner Bros. 1929

FROM P.A. CHASE [Warner executive, New York]

Mr. Ralph E. Lewis
Freston and Files [law firm]
650 South Spring St.
Los Angeles, Cal.

Re: Lee Duncan [Rin Tin Tin’s owner and trainer]

December 6, 1929

Dear Mr. Lewis:
… We are about to start another Rin Tin Tin production, and after that picture is finished, we do not propose to make any more pictures with Rin Tin Tin appearing therein.
It has been decided that since the talking pictures have come into their own, particularly with this organisation, that the making of any animal pictures, such as we have in the past with Rin Tin Tin, is not in keeping with the policy that has been adopted by us for talking pictures, very obviously, of course, because dogs don’t talk. …

P.A. Chase

[Rudy Behlmer, Inside Warner Bros. (1935-1951) London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1987.

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